The US Supreme Court #2

 Many people in our country know that the supreme court is responsible for making decisions that effect our country directly, but don't understand why or how the system works. It could be true to many that the court is this mystical place where they push agendas at their own free will, but it actually works with a back and forth type system. 

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The Supreme Court makes up the judicial branch in americas "checks and balances" system. Here, they look at cases based on violations of the constitution to deem if they do actually violate the constitution. Cases are brought to them through the American people, which always have some traction behind them already, and look to protect/unprotect the people who are involved. 

Once the information is laid out for them to discuss, they argue with each other and comment their opinions and thoughts on the topic. Each of the nine supreme court judges writes out their case and presents it to each other with further time for discussion. Opinion pieces are then written to be presented. These opinion pieces outline exactly what the court has done and the reasoning behind why they made their decision. The Supreme Court goes through hundreds of cases every month, and continues to work hard to keep the fundamental principals of the constitution alive. 

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