Internet Censorship #5

The internet is a place where private companies largely control the spaces we use day to day. Google is the main company that has a complete monopoly on where we are getting out information from. When it comes to voices online that are unpopular to the majority or even the elites in our country, it usually gets censored pretty quickly. I believe the reason for this is because the government has a large part in what gets censored and what doesn’t.

Right when you open up any browser, it almost immediately forces you to use Google. The problem with this is that google is a privately owned company that works with high powers to bring information they want to the forefront of searches. This means that they can filter what they want to public to see at the front and make it extremely hard to find opposite voices. Now why would the government and google want to silence voices opposite to theirs? To control more of the masses so that the public agrees with their points. If the general public doesn’t know information, like antiwar voices, it is more likely to sway their opinion to be pro war. You might think this is wrong, Google can’t silence voices they don’t like. This is entirely untrue, since google is a privately owned company, they are allowed to make whatever rules they please to fit with their goals. 

Even searching out opposing voices is made difficult with websites not being formatted correctly or still having information hard to find. The continuation of this oppression on the average citizen is one of the main reasons our country can’t trust the government. The only way to fix the mistakes that have been made is to create an entirely free network online with no censorship, which is almost impossible to accomplish.
