EOTO Carrier Pigeons #6

Our class went around the room and individually taught each other about a different piece of technology. For each technology, we were tasked with explaining the history, early history, advancements, and its use today. While my content was based on the history of the drone, I learned the most from the carrier pigeon.

"The first drones", pigeons were used in the early days of Egyptian rule around 3,000 BC. Back then, they didn't know the extent of the birds versatility. These birds were mainly tested because they were known to be able to find their way home no matter where they started. Once they learned this the birds were used for actual uses instead of just going home. 

Pigeons started to show up all of the world for sending information place to place. They were used on the silk road to communicate trade, they were used between cities to inform one another of the results of the olympic games. But as time went on and the world started to get darker, pigeons were used for messages during war as well. Since there were no phones or radios during battle, these birds served as such informing troops of raids. Once wars stopped, pigeons transitioned to bringing people news or stock prices.

As time went on, there was no more need for carrier pigeons as drones started to become more prominent in our lives. But if it wasn't for the innovation used by carrier pigeons, we could be living in a world with no drones at all. 
